
November PTO Teacher Spotlight Bulletin Board

This year I volunteered with the PTO to do our spotlight bulletin board, so each month I get to create a new bulletin board to spotlight our elementary school teachers and staff.
This was my creation for November.

It may not look like it, but these bulletin boards always take me so long. Probably because I am never kid free to complete it :)

The cute shapes were all cut on the school's cricut machine.
I do enjoy coming up with new ideas and it's fun to recognize all the work our school teachers and staff do for our children. Plus I like to share my ideas in case anyone else wants bulletin board ideas.

Decorative Pillows

This is my absolute favorite thing about the baby's room! I love these pillows! I think the small touches make everything else in the room come together. There are still accents and decor I need to add to this room, like wall art and a small shelf, to finish it. But, the way I do things is a million projects at a time and I just haven't found or thought of the perfect decor. So sooner or later I will add those things.
When I get some better lighting, I'll post some more pictures of the rest of the room.

I need to go get started on the Project Toddler Runway Challenge

This project is linked up at:
 http://www.thethriftyhome.comShow and Tell GreenHump Day link House of Hepworthscalm+breeze+banner+friday.jpg

Whimsy Couture

I made the top 10!!

Thanks to everyone that voted, I made the top 10! Woo Hoo! January 3rd, the first challenge begins. This will be so fun and exciting. I can't wait to see all the projects that come from the challenges!
Thanks for your support!

Hooded Towel Tutorial

First off, I have to apologize for all the different lighting in the photos. They were taken different days and at different times. Sometimes projects get done in between meals, cleaning, playing, etc. and it didn't help that I got sick this past week.

My children love hooded towels and so do I (for them of course)!!
For years I've always wanted to make them, but haven't gotten up the nerve because I've always had people to make them for me :)
Well, this year I decided I wanted to try my hand at them, especially since my children's old ones were becoming really old.
I asked my good friend Lynne to show me how to make them and this is what she taught me...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

"Christmas is more than trees and twinkling lights, more than toys and gifts...It is love. It is the love of the Son of God for all mankind. It reaches out beyond our power to comprehend. It is magnificent and beautiful." -Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley

Peppermint Perfection Cocoa Party

Every year my two friends (Tiffany & Lynne) and I have a girls' night cocoa party and we try to squish in as many women as we can into Lynne's house. It's so fun to plan and throw, but next year we might be looking for a new venue because we seem to be outgrowing Lynne's house :)

There's no questions who the true mastermind is behind our parties--it's Tiffany and if you haven't ever seen her creativity, you should go check it out! She usually has the theme picked out a year in advance :) Yes, she has next years' decided and no, we're not telling you ;) It sure does make it easier when we hit the after Christmas sales. I've already found some fun stuff for next year.
This year our theme was "Peppermint Perfection" and this was our tablescape.

This year our tablescape was really inexpensive. Tiffany wrapped empty boxes with wrapping paper that she already had. She also made the tissue Christmas trees, just like I posted about earlier. This is the cupcake stand I made from plates and candlesticks from the thrift store. And all the bulbs were ones that Tiffany and I already had in our decoration repertoire.

Cute peppermint details.

Milanos dipped in chocolate and rolled in crushed peppermint.

Chips and homemade salsa. I had to make a double batch so my hubby could have his own and be happy :) I got this yummy recipe from Michie--Thanks girl!

Cheese ball and crackers. This recipe was Tiffany's and it was a hit! Super yummy!

Cute paper straws.

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Lots 'o mugs. These are way cute and believe it or not, they are from the Dollartree.

Cute paper details. Tiffany created & printed all the paper designs. So cute!!

Gotta have options when it comes to toppings.

And of course you can't have hot cocoa without the whip cream :)

Lynne got us all these lovely branches so we could hang ornaments.
It was too cute that her son was really into the branches while we were setting up. I bet he would love it if we would have left these up in his house all year round, but mommy probably wouldn't feel the same way ;)

More pretty ornaments.

Thank you gifts.

These are Hot Choco Sticks. They were made out of chocolate and vanilla & in the shape of snowmen. You just add them to warm milk and stir away.

Love those two ladies and I look forward to next years' already!
For past Cocoa parties visit links below:

Burp Cloths and Wipe Case Cover Tutorial

We're so excited to have visited Spunky Junky! Thanks Halsey!
This is the tutorial we shared on her website.
We hope you enjoy this tutorial and even make some of your own.

Check out our etsy store for more beautiful burp cloths.

Burp cloths and a wipe case that were made for a friend.

This set also includes a nursing cover, a changing pad, and an embellished bag.
Covering a wipe case is super easy and you'll look très chic carrying one of these in your purse or diaper bag :)

Giveaway Winner & another Christmas Gift Idea

We have a winner!!! chose #8 Lizze said... "love the set of 3 black, white and red burp cloths!"
Woohoo, Lizze you won this beautiful set!

Here is simple Christmas gift idea...
This was a gift we did this year for the people in my husband's office and some of our other friends.
Some vinyl from Quoted Living, purchased tiles and easels & you're done!

This was easy peasy! Much easier than last year and they turned out great!

Everyone loved them!

This project is linked up at:
 http://www.thethriftyhome.comShow and Tell GreenBlog ButtonHump Day linkLife in my PJsBeyond The Picket Fence12 giveaways