
Upcycled Pedestal Cloche

Home Decor, Glass Cloche

I've been wanting a pedestal cloche for my side table forever & I wanted to make my own, but I just couldn't find the right sized piece of wood.
Then one day I was wondering through Deseret Industries & I found this $.25 cookie jar lid & voila it was the perfect size!

I found all three of these items at Deseret Industries.  The glass dome was $2, the candle holder was $.50 & the cookie jar lid was $.25.

First I took the handle off of the cookie jar lid & then I spray painted it and the candle holder with black spray paint.
I used wood glue to attach the two pieces & let it dry overnight.

I used wood filler to fill in the hole on top.

Then I cut a piece of cardstock to fit on top and Mod Podged it on.

Here is the finished product.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to decorate it with, but here's a cute little birdie for now. :)


  1. That turned out super cute!!! I miss roaming through DI. Mine's a little bit of a drive to get to so I don't go often. Great job!!

  2. Great job! I just made one using a plate from Target, a candlestick and the cloche lid from the thrift store and I just love it! I think yours is brilliant with the paper mod podged to the base.

    1. Thanks Lindy! It certainly was fun to make. I'd love to see the one you made :)

  3. This is awesome. i follow you on bloglovin and started snooping under tutorials. Would LOVE for you to link this to my Friday Favorites at

    I love this! laura

    1. Thanks, Laura! I'm going to link up now. :) Thanks for following on bloglovin!

  4. Featured at Friday Favorites at I'm Not a Trophy Wife! Would love for you to link up to the party tomorrow (or tonight)! xo, laura


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