
Decorated Christmas Tree

I finally got around to taking pictures of my Christmas tree.

This year my colors are orange, brown, gold & cream.
I originally had an orange ribbon on the tree, but had to replace it when I realized my tree looked like a pumpkin. :)
Love it when the tree is all lit up!

May your holiday season be bright! 

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  1. I miss seeing what your tree will look like each year. Again it's beautiful!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Camille! Love your multi-colored tree too :)

  3. I love your tree! My family and I tried using burlap this year. We loved it. It had a little sparkle running through it and it created a beautiful country feeling.

    I think there are pictures on our blog.

    -Krista from

    1. Thanks Krista! I couldn't find your tree on your blog, but it sounds like a great idea. Thanks for the visit!

  4. How many strands of lights did you use and are they LEDs or just regular lights?

    1. This is a pre-lit tree, so I don't know how many strands of lights are on it. If I had to guess, I'd say there are about 9 strands, at least. They are regular Christmas lights.


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