Putting this party together was fun, exciting and draining all at the same time!
I enjoy the "research" of party planning, I enjoy the creativity that flows when party planning, I enjoy the resourcefulness of party planning, I enjoy the learning of party planning, but most of all, I enjoy the final product and it all coming together and my daughter being awed by it all.
First we did pictures out front while the girls arrived. It was soooo hot that we made sure to have cold drinks on the porch!
We covered hay bales with some pretty pink, turquoise and gold fabric, hung a "Cowgirl" banner, put out a few decorations and drinks and snapped away.
Next we painted horse pictures out back on the deck. These were pretty simple! I just put a vinyl horse in the middle of the canvas, let the girls paint and then we pulled the horse off after the paint was dry. I got the idea here: horse canvas
Then we rounded up and went for a horse ride!
Sometimes I'm fun and I participate. Okay guys, I had never ridden a horse before!! I only rode for about two minutes because the girls were melting from the heat but it was a cool two minutes for me!
Then back to the house for lunch and cake. I just realized I never took any pictures of lunch. My daughter requested sloppy joes, strawberries, blueberries, and chips. Nothing too fancy. Perfect for a cowgirl coming in from a ride.
Oh hello cake and me! I guess it's a little hard to get a straight on picture without there being a reflection in the mirror. Maybe if I was part vampire.
The cake was inspired by these beautiful cookies.
And now clean up! Ya, did you see those hale bales around the table? My husband is so kick back and so cool that he bought hay bales, carried them in the house and let them make a mess all over....and then he cleaned them up! Oh the crazy things that my mind even entertains.
Happy birthday to our 8 year old!

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