
Pumpkin Topiaries

I made these last year & I still LOVE them!

I went shopping to see if I could find some cheap pumpkins. I got my pumpkins at Roberts for 50% off and at Michaels for way cheap. The garland I got for only $2 a strand.
I'm always lovin the good deal!

These were super easy to make. I just took off the stems of the middle pumpkins and then stuck a dowel down the middle of all three pumpkins and wrapped a fall leaf garland around it.
I used the dowel so I could stick it down in the dirt and the kids wouldn't take off with my fake pumpkins :)

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  1. How funny is this- I just joined the craft-blogging world a few weeks ago so I was unaware of all the great stuff floating around in blogland. And I totally came up with the idea for a pumpkin topiary that looked a lot like this in my mind. I was so excited. I thought it was this revolutionary idea. LOL. Yeah. Then I googled it. Only ten million other people thought so too. :)

    Yours looks better than most- really fabulous. :)


  2. I love this! I bought pumpkins to recently to make something similiar and was wondering how to anchor them so they wouldn't blow over outside. Thanks for the great idea :)


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