
PTR week 6: Baseball T-shirts

Week 6 is done and I made it to the finals!
Thanks again to everyone who voted.
Here is my project from last week.
Baseball shirts
The challenge for last week was to design with meaning.
Sports has always been a big part of my life. I grew up playing them outside with my siblings and the neighbors, and we often had to be called in when it was too dark. Although sports were a big part of my childhood, baseball was something that I knew very little about. It wasn't until I met my husband, while playing volleyball, that I learned to love the game. While dating, he taught me the art of the game. He taught me the rules, he taught me the techniques and he even bought me my first mitt and showed me how to break it in. Throughout our dating, many of our memories can be associated with sports, but mostly baseball. Needless to say, while all that was happening, we fell in love. Which brings us to this week's challenge. Since we had 17 inches of snow this week, I wasn't able to make it to the fabric store in the nearby town. So I took several T-shirts and dyed them and then deconstructed them. Then I reconstructed them with other plain shirts to make them into baseball jerseys, ranging in three different sizes. Then I added logos with freezer paper stencils. Each logo has a significance. One shirt says Manavoo Lawn, where I met my husband. Another one says Carterville Park, where my husband proposed to me, during a game of catch. And lastly, San Diego, where my husband and I were married.
This was a fun and very practical project and it can even be used for boys!
After this contest is over, I plan on posting a tutorial for these, so be sure to come back and visit.
And now, for some out takes, if you will. I wanted to post these because they just make me laugh.

We're partying over at:

Make it Yours @ My Backyard EdenShow and Tell Green make it wear it


  1. These are so cute & I can't wait for the tutorial.
    Erica @

  2. Oh my the shirts AND the pictures of your three adorable girls together :0) Yay for making it to the finals!!

  3. Wow you are creative! Found you on the Wednesday Hump Day Slump Day hop

  4. Very cool project! Can't wait to see how you made them. I'm following back.

    Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

  5. Wow! Love the shirts!

    I found you via The Queen of Swag's Blog Hop!

  6. Very cute. And I love your font. :)


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