
Stylish Blogger Award

We're so honored to have been given 3 Stylish blogger awards!

They are from the following fabulous blogs:
For this award we're supposed to:
  • 1. Thank and link back to the person (or people) who gave you this award.
  • 2. Share seven things about yourself.
  • 3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
  • 4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Wildflowers & Whimsy, A Jennuine Life & Enjoy Life and Love! Love the creativity and talent displayed on your blogs! Now is a great time to go visit these blogs and see just how talented they are.
2. Do you all really want to hear 7 things about us??? Okay, well here goes...
  • We come from a family of a billion kids. Okay not really, it just seems that way now that everyone is married and has a bunch of kids. We grew up with 9 kids in the home, but we also have 2 half sisters & now, a lot of step-siblings (don't hate me fam because I can't remember, but I think the number is 8).
  • Chelsea was an awesome Bballer, while I was the only one in the fam who couldn't really play at all. Cool thing is, we have a big enough family to have 2 teams.
  • We both LOVE to sew, (as if you couldn't tell) but I was the only girl in the family who actually used to sew when we were young. Chelsea was too busy Bballin and acting like a boy. She'll love that I included that--love ya Chelse!
  • I'm older than Chelsea, but she's taller than me. What's up with that?
  • We're not actually 100% sure what our nationality is, but we know we're somewhat caucasian, hawaiian, philipino & who knows what else. Gotta love that family tree ;)
  • We're both married to a Matthew. Different ones, mind you, but they both go by Matthew instead of Matt. Remember though, I'm older and I married a Matthew first, she was just copying me.
  • Hmmm, what to write for the 7th thing about us. Okay, I guess you should know that we're both project-aholics! We LOVE to have a ton of projects going and no time to do them all. I know many of you can relate: you get a great idea in your head; you start your project; life happens; kids need you; life needs you; you have every intention of finishing your project; then, boom, you get another idea! And on and on it goes. I know many of you crafters know exactly what I'm talking about. So let's just say, Chelsea and I are notorious for having lots of working projects and I'm sure you'll see them right here on our blog at some phase of the process. Case in point, this post, which was posted Sept. and is still not done. Or this pic on FB of fabric I said I was getting ready for our open house this month. Yup, hasn't happened. Maybe this post will make you all feel better knowing that it sat around my house half done for at least 2 years. Yikes, am I really admitting that again?
Well, I'm sure I've gone on long enough and nothing I shared is earth shattering, but now you've got a little glimpse into who we are.
3. On to the part that I'm sure you're all waiting for--the awards to other bloggers. In no particular order, they are:
I should probably go to bed now since it's after 1am :) TTFN


  1. Thank you so much! I'm honored. Just so you know, I'm shorter than my little sister too. Not fair!

  2. Thanks so much for the recognition!!

  3. I'm overwhelmed with JOY to receive this prestigious award! ;) Thanks girlies... and I must say, you've set the crafting bar pretty high.

  4. I see you already got an award, but I am here to offer you another. You girls really can do anything!
    I so enjoy your blog1

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this award. It made my day seeing this. Check out my post about and the other blogs I gave it to.


We're so glad you stopped by! We read ALL your comments because we LOVE to hear what you have to say!

If you have any questions please leave your email or link it to your comment & we'll get back to you as soon as we can.