
A Month of Meaningful Photography - Day 11

For the month of March we're practicing photography and taking a month of meaningful photos. For our introduction, click here.
Creative Momma C's SOOC:

I don't have settings for this one because I didn't think I would be using this pic.......but I do have a cool site that a friend left in a comment with tons of awesome free PS/PSE Actions

Beautiful baby....slobbering on my lens cap. Yes, I do think it's cute!


this is CoffeeShop Blog's Velvet Truffle

Creative Momma D's SOOC Photo:

**I tried to take pictures of my family watching a movie, but it was just too dark & I couldn't get the settings right. I probably should have just turned on the lights :) Oh well.


  1. She is most definitely a cutie! I guess you got your actions to work. I haven't been able to yet. In fact, I messed up the ones I already had loaded :( Time for a new computer & editing software!!

  2. Yay! It looks so great! Enjoy- I spent many hours on that website. They were my first actions!


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