
Painted & Antique Glazed Picture Frame

I work with the Young Women at my church and there are two that graduated this week, so I had to do something for a graduation gift.

One of the other ladies that also works with the youth told me she saw some pretty wall plaques with some beautiful sayings on them at a local store.
I found what she was referring to and saw that they were $30 & that there was only one.
I figured I could fix that dilemma by making my own, and for a lot less money :)

I found this plastic picture frame at Walmart for $3.00.

I had this turquoise paint on hand that I received from Valspar paint when they were giving away daily samples.
I painted the frame with about 3 coats of paint & let it dry.

I also had clear antiquing glaze that I purchased recently from ACE & had been waiting for an excuse to use.  I mixed some brown paint into my glaze & brushed it all over the frame. Then I used a rag & wiped off some of the glaze.

While I was waiting for it to dry I printed a quote on cardstock to go in the frame.
This beautiful quote is from one of our church leaders & it's from a talk he recently gave, titled "Your Happily Ever After". How beautiful is that title?!

When it was all dry, I assembled the picture frame & voila!


  1. Love all that you do!!!

  2. Oh I love this idea, great job...I may have to borrow this idea, I love it!

  3. This is SO cute! I love the color! You did a great job! I found your blog through a link party. I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!


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