
My Good News

First I want to thank all our blog & FB followers for being such faithful followers, even with my lack of posting for the last 3 months!  You guys rock!!  As I posted on FB,  I have a good excuse for not blogging--I'm pregnant!!  We're really excited because we weren't sure I'd be able to get pregnant again, but I guess I still work :)

The un-fun part is that I've been nauseous for 3 months and if you know how that goes, not much motivation goin on over here :)  I seriously have 4 or 5 blog posts that have been in draft form since June.  The other part is that I have gestational diabetes, so I'm now working with my Dr to get my blood sugar under control.  It'll be so much fun poking myself with a needle 4 times a day, especially when I have an aversion to needles!  Wish me luck :)

Here's to hoping that I get my grove back soon because I have so many crafting ideas going on in my head & I'm just itching to make something!!


  1. Wow!That's really GOOD NEWS!CONGRATULATIONS!Keep well:)

  2. Congrats! I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy too! Not fun. Especially the not being able to eat as much carbs as you want part. Good luck!

  3. Oh how wonderful!! Congratulations! Take it easy. Blogging can wait!

  4. Congratulations! Babies are so precious. We found out we were expecting our 3rd, due in March 2012. I have type 1 diabetes so I can completely simpathize with you on the gestational diabetes. It is not easy. I do hope you are able to get things under control. Good luck.

  5. I just found your blog through your pinterest page. Congratulations on #4 and our prayers are with you as you work with your GD.


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