
Valentine Can

This year for my son's 5th grade class they were give #10 size cans to decorate for their Valentine's party next week.
He informed me that they are having a decorating contest and the awards will be for things like, the prettiest, the most unique, the funniest, the ugliest, etc.

When he heard the ugliest he decided right away that he wanted to make his into a trash can.
After all, it already kinda looks like a trash can.

He came up with this design all on his own and I helped him put it together so that it wouldn't fall apart.

We lined the can with a plastic grocery bag, then attached pieces of crumpled up cardstock and newspaper to the edges & printed labels for the front.

I think it's the cutest Valentine trash can I've ever seen, but of course I'm a little partial to it's creator :)


  1. so.cute.I am now following you on Linky.I would love it if you followed me back.I always enjoy meeting new Bloggers

  2. I would vote for his! it looks like it was a fun project!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  3. I know he is going for the ugliest but that is pretty darn cute for being ugly! Love his creativity!

    1. I know huh. Such a funny boy with such original ideas :)

  4. Cute! I hope he wins! Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.


  5. I came over to say Hi and let you know I am following the new Linky Follow tool. I hope you will come by and follow me as well.


  6. He did a GREAT job on his can. :-)

    I stopped by to follow you on the Linky Party Hop. I hope that you get a chance to do the same! :-)

  7. Hi I'm a new follower stopping by the linky tools follower,now following by GFC and linky tools,would be great if you share some of your posts on my Creative Monday hop :)


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