
Easter Week Advent with FREE Printables

Thanks so much for stopping by our blog to learn a little more about the meaning of Easter. Today I'm honored to join many LDS bloggers asked by Sugardoodle to participate in sharing some amazing Christ centered Easter ideas. I hope this idea helps you and your family to celebrate a more Christ centered Easter.

I want my littles to get a deeper understanding of the holiday, and I think this idea from Sugar Bee Crafts is such a fun idea! But since I'm a super slacker, (or maybe just over scheduled) and am just now starting this, I had to make some adjustments to mine. No judgement though because you can start now and still make this idea work for you and your family.

Mandy created an advent of activities to do the week leading up to Easter and everything you'll need in way of cute printables and outlined activities has already been prepared by her, so it's super easy for you.

She used sticker numbers and numbered the eggs 1-8. You will open them in reverse order, starting with egg #8.

There are a range of activities and they are all focused on learning more about Jesus and His teachings and the events that led up to Easter Sunday. You can find all the materials in the FREE printables EASTER WEEK ACTIVITIES ADVENT found HERE. Simply print out the advent, cut the strips apart, fold them up and put them in the coordinating numbered eggs.

I used Mandy's idea to create my own tree, but I made only 7 eggs, seeing as I'm a day late in starting the Advent. :) Also, my printer ran out of ink, so my printables are a little bit different in color, but I still love them. Thanks Mandy!!

Mandy also includes other cute printables and this treat activity which you can find detailed instructions and photo step-by-steps HERE: Resurrection Rolls.

I know that I'm looking forward to Easter and just love being able to celebrate my Savior. Look for #Hallelujah where you can follow along with others this Easter week.

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