
Baby Burp Cloths

This is what I sewed today...

These are burp cloths that my sister Chelsea showed me how to sew.

I found some uber-cute Michael Miller fabric & they make the cutest burp cloths.

Now, if only I had a precious little one to use them on :)

Check out our Etsy store for more beautiful burp cloths.

Today we're partying over at:
Pink Hippo Party craft Making The Girl Creative Photobucket Tip Junkie handmade projects Tidy Mom Chic on a Shoestring Decorating UndertheTableandDreaming


  1. I've got a use for them, no not me personally, but Lacey found out she's having both boys. I laughed, poor girl. How much can I buy those from you? I'll be there for the 4th if you'll hold on to them for me or be willing to make some more. Miss ya!!

  2. Hey! I've got a precious little one you can use them on! (Hint, Hint) :)

  3. they are so cute! i LOVE the fabric you used! the animals are so stinkin cute:)
    i also have a little one...haha
    :) ash


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