
Stenciled Wall

This is our sister labor of love and we had a great time working on it together.

I've been wanting to do wall stencil ever since I first saw this AWESOME pantry over at House of Smiths.
Last week I was able to go visit Creative Momma C and of course we had to do at least one project! We had a whole 5 days together, so why not paint a stencil on the wall?
After going through all her bookmarked blogs, we thought this tutorial over at Jones Design Company seemed easy enough to follow, but instead of using her stencil we created our own so we could make it the size we wanted and so we could cut it out on the Cricut.
Supplies needed:
  • Stencil (We used a cereal box & cut the stencil using a Cricut.)  Here's the link to our stencil.
  • Paint (We used white interior gloss paint.)
  • Paint brush
  • Level
  • Lots of time
Step 1: Start at the top of the wall at one end.
TIP: Start at one end of the wall instead of at the top in the middle. That way you won't have to try and trace small parts of the stencil on the end of the wall.

Step 2: Use a level to make sure pattern is straight. We drew a straight line in the center of our stencil, so we'd have a point of reference.

Step 3: Trace your pattern. We made sure to make a mark at the center point to make it easier to line up the pattern.

Step 4: Keep lining up stencil, leveling stencil and tracing stencil until entire wall is complete. (This took us about a day with other things to do in between & 3 little ones to still take care of.)
TIP: Trace your stencil in a top to bottom pattern & not side to side. We tried to go faster by working together on the wall and when we ended up going sideways our pattern didn't matching up.

Step 5: Using a small paint brush paint along inside of stencil.

TIP: Again, go from top to bottom so you can remember which lines you're painting. When we went from side to side we sometimes painted the inside of the wrong lines :)

Step 6: Paint a second coat of paint if you want. This is Creative Momma C's wall with just one coat. I wasn't there long enough to help with another coat, so she's stuck with that fun job. (It's really hard to say how long this took because we didn't work on it non-stop.)
Step 7: Enjoy your beautiful wall & notice that you can't really see your mess ups :)
TIP: If we had to do this again, we'd create a stencil that we could paint over, so we could skip the first step of tracing the stencil with a pencil.

TIP: We decided to use a gloss paint (on her flat paint walls) so the pattern would shine on the wall & we LOVE it!
Here are a few others that have inspired me to want to attempt this project:
We'll see if I ever get around to doing this project in my house since my hubby does not want me painting walls. At least I got to help over at Creative Momma C's!
A huge shout out to Creative Momma C's hubby who helped with the little ones and who cooked meals for us most of the week. YOU ROCK!!

This post is linked up at:
craftMakingThe Girl Creative BWS tips buttonPhotobucket/ Tip Junkie handmade projects Todays Creative Blog Laugh Love and Craft Domestically SpeakingMake it Yours @ My Backyard EdenUndertheTableandDreamingAlong For the Ride Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!Becolorful


  1. This turned out beautiful! Please stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

  2. Fantab!! You have the patience of Jobe. This is beautiful.

  3. This is great!! I'm sure it took a lot of time and patience, but it looks so good. Are you sure you can't show your husband the finished product and him change his mind?! Haha!

  4. It looks so amazing! How much time would you estimate it took? I just used this stencil on one of my walls as well! Great tips you supplied!

  5. That looks amazing! I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the metallic paint!

  6. Are you people insane!?! Geeeeez, that's a massive amounts of work. But, it does look great. You gals did an amazing job.

  7. It turned out beautiful but I didn't doubt that it would.

  8. It looks beautiful! Thanks for the shout out on the blog! I am excited that my little project helped inspire yours......

  9. I simply just love it. I cant wait until I can live somewhere where I can paint

  10. Holy Cow woman!!! that is a lot of work. It looks amazing and I can see why you want to do it at your house. Are you sure your hubby wouldn't go for it. too bad it's not a do it in one afternoon project so you he would just be surprised. : ) I'd help if I was there.

  11. You are amazing! I wouldn't have the patience of the steady hand to pull it off. I am in awe.

  12. much work! Its lovely.

  13. I did notice the gloss paint over the matte wall, this is so pretty!

  14. THanks for linking to Take a Look Tuesday - I just featured this on my facebook page

  15. It looks amazing! Thanks for sharing the inspiration. Now if I only my sister would come and help me ;)

  16. Love this look and will be doing it soon to a friends new home. Wonderful!

  17. Looks amazing and like a lot of work! Your wall turned out it!!!

  18. This is co cool, I can't believe you did it all by hand!

  19. Hi Girls! Your stenciled wall is incredible. Fantastic job and I can not believe it was hand painted...simply gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party - I greatly appreciate it. I am a little behind commenting =) Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  20. AMAZING job!! Pls send some of your patience my way ;) I would love a wall like this!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my linky :)

  21. Now that had to take some time!!! It was well worth it though I'd say. Love love love the final look and the colors you chose. Classic and timeless. Your helpful hints ere also appreciated. I will be featuring your quatrefoil wall on tonights Motivated Monday. So glad you linked this up.

  22. This looks so wonderful! I love that design company wall pattern so much. You mentioned you cut it out on the Cricut. What are the details on that? Thanks!

  23. This is exactly the stencil shape I was looking for. Thank you SO much for sharing it! I'd never have the patience to trace and handpaint but yours looks AMAZING! I'm going to figure out how to make a stencil on my cricut, that's what I got the thing for lol
    Thanks again for the shape!

    1. Yeah, so glad we could help. After doing the wall, we thought that's exactly what we should have done--made a bigger stencil that we could just paint over. I hope it goes much faster and smoother for you :) Thanks for the blog visit & comment!


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