
Mummy Cakepops


These are the cake pops that I made for my childrens' classes today.

Baby #4 is a...

Hi there, I'm a girl!

The kids were all disappointed because they wanted baby #4 to be a boy, but they really are excited to have another baby in the family.
My husband and I are beyond excited to be able to have such a miracle and blessing of a healthy baby girl in our lives!
God is good!

"BEWARE" Halloween Wreath

You all better

I know this is a repeat from last year, but since I'm pregnant and getting nothing done these days, I had to share an oldie, but goodie. :)

This is the Halloween wreath I made last year and if you'd like instructions on how to make your own, click this link.

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Guest Posting at The Train To Crazy

I'm so excited to be guest posting over at The Train to Crazy today.


Go check out the costume tutorial I'm sharing for Halloween & let me know what you think. :)

Witch's Spell Book

I've been on a roll this week with my Halloween decorations and I wanted to share my Witch's spell book.

I pinned a picture almost a year ago & I've been so excited to make it for this Halloween. Through My Looking Glass shared how she made this & I just followed her instructions.  Click here to see her instructions.

I found this book at Deseret Industries for $1.00.

Sleeping Death Poison Apple

I found this picture online and it inspired me to want to make my own poisonous apple--sleeping death.

 I bought this apple at the Dollar Tree for $1

Then I used painters tape to make my evil face for the apple.

I even taped off the bottom because I knew I'd get spray paint everywhere.
I totally should have put painters tape on my hands to protect them too. :)

I used black satin Krylon spray paint.

This is what the apple looked like once it was all painted. 

And this is during the process of taking the tape off.
As you can see, I should have made sure the tape was completely flat before I started painting. :)

This is the final product--Sleeping Death.
I think I'll go back over the red part with red paint, but I'll save that for another day since I've already cleaned everything up.

Here is the apple next to my Witch's Spell Book, which I'll share another day.

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Baking from Pinterest

I had some friends who had birthdays and I wanted to celebrate with them by baking cupcakes.
I found both of these recipes on Pinterest & I've attached the links below.
Love how I can go to my Sweets Pinterest board and just pick some fun things to bake!! 

 These are Mississippi Mud Cupcakes
Recipe from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
These are certainly messy, but OH SO YUMMY!!!

These are Raspberry Lemonade Cupcakes
Altered recipe from With Sprinkles on Top
Instead of pink lemonade I used raspberry lemonade frozen concentrate.  Pretty strong, but delicious!!

What have you baked from Pinterest?

Linked up at:
The DIY Showoff

New Etsy Items

We've added a few new items to our Etsy shop.
Please stop by and see all the fabulous things we have in our shop.

Mudroom Wainscoting

 IT'S finally finished!!  Well, just the wainscoting part, but it's so nice to have something done when there's still so much to do in the Laundry/Mudroom.  With each project we do, I realize more and more how much I do not like to paint. Oh well, I guess it has to be done.
I really like how it turned out and that I can look at the wall and laugh. 
That's right, laugh! I am not a fan of those colorful hooks, but sometimes you just gotta give in to your kids.
Can you tell what they are?

Here's a closer look.

Yeah, they're little dog bottoms! 
When we went to IKEA to get hooks, the girls saw these wonderful little hooks and they just had to have them.  Every once in awhile, I try to be a nice mom and let them help make decisions, so I said "sure lets get those hooks and you can have your own special hook to hang your backpack on." 
Now each of the girls has one and they are VERY happy about it!
It wasn't part of my vision, but it works:)

Now we just have to put some hooks up on the adjacent wall, paint the top half of the walls, put a shelf up, build some pedestals for the washer and know, and anything else we can think up.

To see what this looked like before, click here to see it again.

Halloween Decorations: Ghost and Mummy

Yesterday a friend called me up and said she had a great idea for a few Halloween decorations. 
She had left over bowling pins from a previous craft project and decided she wanted to make them into ghosts and mummies.
They turned out awesome!

 It was such a simple idea and a simple plan. 
She did all the prep work by getting everything together and prepared before I got there. She painted the red stripes with white acrylic and then did a quick coat of white spray paint over that. Then when I arrived we cut a few pieces of cheese cloth that would be long enough to come down on the sides of the bowling pin and we trimmed it where it was too long. We used 2 layers for the ghosts and then draped it over the bowling pin. Oh, and yes, we drew eyes on the bowling pin with a black paint pen.
For the mummy, we cut long strips of cheesecloth, Mod Podged the body and wrapped it around until it was mostly covered. We left a little slit to draw some eyes and the we used a brown stain to dirty it up a little.

I just love how they turned out!!
I can't wait to get the rest of our Halloween decorations out and start putting them up with the kids!