
Sleeping Death Poison Apple

I found this picture online and it inspired me to want to make my own poisonous apple--sleeping death.

 I bought this apple at the Dollar Tree for $1

Then I used painters tape to make my evil face for the apple.

I even taped off the bottom because I knew I'd get spray paint everywhere.
I totally should have put painters tape on my hands to protect them too. :)

I used black satin Krylon spray paint.

This is what the apple looked like once it was all painted. 

And this is during the process of taking the tape off.
As you can see, I should have made sure the tape was completely flat before I started painting. :)

This is the final product--Sleeping Death.
I think I'll go back over the red part with red paint, but I'll save that for another day since I've already cleaned everything up.

Here is the apple next to my Witch's Spell Book, which I'll share another day.

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  1. What a fun easy enough decoration! Good idea!

  2. OOH- how spooky!!! Glad I found you thru Domestically Speaking's POP party. I was thinking of putting some apples in a bowl on my table & this would be so spooky to have planted in there...I hope our dollar tree has some of these apples! I am definitely doing this nexte week! tfs,
    your newest follower, Karyl

  3. Love it! Please post this, and anything else you may have,in my link party at




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