
Witch's Spell Book

I've been on a roll this week with my Halloween decorations and I wanted to share my Witch's spell book.

I pinned a picture almost a year ago & I've been so excited to make it for this Halloween. Through My Looking Glass shared how she made this & I just followed her instructions.  Click here to see her instructions.

I found this book at Deseret Industries for $1.00.

For the spell pages I used the same one on Through My Looking Glass for the Poisonous apple (from Snow White) & we made up our own ingredients for the Shrunken Heads.

I used spray adhesive on the back of the pages & attached them to the existing pages in the center of the book.

Then I inked up all the edges of the pages with some distressing liquid I had on hand.
I didn't use quite as much as the instructions said, but I still like the look.

I also curled up the corners of all the pages to give the book a used feel.

I found some velvet green ribbon in my stash and glued it to the spine as the book marker.

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  1. It turned out cute!! (well as cute as a spell book should be) : ) I went back to mine and sprayed random pages with a water bottle to make the book look older. wish we were doing these projects together. miss ya!

  2. I love it! I want one too!
    Kindest regards,

  3. Would you consider sharing the pages as a download? I seriously would love one too!
    Kindest regards,


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