

I wanted a bookshelf for my living room, but I couldn't find one I liked so I decided to build one myself.

I added lettering to the top of the bookshelf to add some character and because it is, after all, our own little library.

I painted it red to match the color scheme of my living room.

Then I glazed it because I like the antique look of glaze.

Here's a close up of the glaze.

Here's the final product with books on it, all pretty in my living room.

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  1. Love it! I want to copy it some day!

    1. Thanks for visiting! It's a fun design Chelsea created & I'm sure she would agree that it's a compliment when someone wants to copy your work. :)

  2. My Husband and I are thinking of building our own bookshelf to fit in our rather small apartment. Good to know it can turn out this great looking!

  3. What a beautiful red!

    We are sharing shelving projects of all sorts at Empty Your Archive this week - I would love for you to come over and link up, Alice @ Mums Make Lists


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