Mod Podge Letter

Here is my Mod Podge letter D that I made years ago for my craft room.

 This is one of those cardboard letters from the craft store.

All I did was cover it in paper (using the awesome xyron) then added words from scrapbook paper, printed on the computer, stickers, & rub-ons.

You can pretty much use what ever you've got on hand. Then cover it all with the ever awesome Mod Podge. Voilà!

Mod Podge Tray

Pizza Pat (Step-Into-Reading, Step 2)

Have any of you read this book, Pizza Pat ?
Well, my kids loved it so much that I had it memorized. This book just makes me want to tell my story like the book, just because it's about a tray. Not a pizza tray, but a serving tray.
Anyway, this is the tray that Dacia bought...

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I needed a white serving tray for this baby shower and I just couldn't find one that wasn't expensive, so I thought up an idea while I was at Walmart.

I saw this Better Homes and Gardens serving tray from their Spring line and it was perfect except it had orange & green flowers and such on it. I looked at it and thought, "Now that would be perfect if it was white."

I figured that I could change the look of the tray with some great paper and some awesome MOD PODGE. And since it was only $6 I figured if it didn't work out, it wouldn't be too much money down the drain.

I bought the tray and some scrapbook paper and went to town on this tray and this is the result. I absolutely love it and it worked perfectly with the decor and theme.
All I did was tear paper, cover it with Mod Podge and stuck it to the tray. Once the entire inside of the tray was covered, I Mod Podged over the entire surface.
Instant transformation!

Homemade Curtains

These are the curtains I made for my craft room a couple years ago. They have fabric on both sides that match my room (dark pink and green) and they can be rolled up like this or let down.


Current Project Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek on what I've been working on this past week...


Name Decor

I made these a couple of years ago...
I bought white wood letters from Michaels and used paper, Mod Podge, rub ons & ribbon. I glued the letters to a piece of masonite, so I wouldn't have to worry about them falling over. I wanted to share these because they are about to change as we're changing the colors of the girls' room.

Winter Wonderland Cocoa Party

For 3 years in a row now, during the Christmas season, some friends and I have thrown a girls' night cocoa party. It's perfect because we live in a COLD, snowy place and it's a great time to get together with the girls, have a cup of cocoa and have a good time. It's so fun to decorate too :)
You've always got to start with the invite.

This is the cute invitation and if you couldn't tell, the theme is snow. It's a little snow globe if you couldn't tell :) A few of the party details...

These branches were a lot of fun to spray paint. We sprayed them with the fake snow while we were standing out in the snow!

We had to place them out of the way because every time you touched them, the snow would fall everywhere! If you're thinking of doing this, spray paint them white instead :)

  The spread. In the center is our pile of snowballs. Those were fun to spray snow on too :)

We had picture frames to label each food item.

Cheese ball with snowflake crackers.

Those snowflake cookies I posted about before.

Donut holes that were supposed to be powdered sugar donut holes. We ordered them from the store and they were glazed, not powdered sugar. We had to roll them in powdered sugar to get the snowball effect.

Yummy cake pops. You can find the recipe here.

More snowflake sugar cookies.

  Isn't this the cutest party favor ever? Thanks to my creative friends these are just ADORABLE! Of course there's something yummy inside too--cake pops

The table of party favors. I love the hanging snowflake!

One of the best things about our cocoa party is getting together with all these wonderful women! (Wish we could have gotten our photographer, Lynne in the picture too)

   The Hostesses

My most favorite picture of the night! Hopefully, they won't kill me for posting it!
The absolute best thing about throwing our cocoa parties is getting to spend so much time prepping with these two AWESOME ladies! This is how much fun I have with thess girls! Love them!
A HUGE thanks again to Tiffany and Lynne for their creativity, talent and hard work at putting this all together. And thanks for hosting it at your house again Lynne!

*all the amazing pictures were taken by Lynne on 12/11/09

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Pleasantly Pink Baby Shower

I got to help a friend with this cute baby shower. Before I created this blog, I had already posted all about it on my other blog. If you want to see all the details, click here.

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Mashaide's Baby Shower

I posted this entire baby shower on my personal blog before I created this blog, so if you want to see more, you can check it out by clicking here.

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