Project Toddler Runway is over! Oh my goodness! It's such a relief to be able to say that.
It was a lot of fun! Truly it was. I really enjoyed learning and challenging myself in the brain storming process, in developing better techniques and honing my skills.
Thank you for coming along for the ride and for your support in voting, it was greatly appreciated. It was an honor to be able to compete with such talented individuals and to see how classy they were. Thanks ladies! It was a pleasure and it was fun! And thanks so much to Shwin & Shwin for putting this competition on! I know it took so much work, aside from running your own blog and competing your self, so thank you!
Also, Congrats to the PTR winner Lacey from BrickStory! You can visit her blog and check out all her PTR entries at her blog.
The creative process, although fun and exciting, can be draining. My house has been a mess with all my sewing supplies, my husband has cooked, A LOT, and we have lots of clean laundry, folded, but in baskets.
So here's back to normal life....whatever that is:)
Here is a skirt from my final project that I submitted
The Cotton Candy Skirt:
It was definitely designed after cotton candy--light, fluffy and pink!

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