Here's my project from week 2.
The challenge was, "Wear a Flower in Your Hair."
We were each given a picture of a different flower hair piece and we were to use it to inspire us to create an item of clothing.
Here is the one I was given.
I really wanted to challenge myself and I wanted to try to somehow use this to inspire me to make something for a boy. There were a few things that went through my mind, like a pilot from the WWI flying over a field of these flowers thinking of his sweetheart and how much he missed her. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic. Maybe it's a still shot engraved in my brain from a movie or something. Anyway, I thought it might be hard for others to catch that vision, especially since I couldn't really present it. Also, I didn't want to make another uniform because in the last challenge I made a uniform inspired look.
Because I'm a hopeless romantic, the other idea I went with, was a boy who brings flowers to the door for his first date. Granted, this is Project "Toddler" Runway, so I had to make it relative and appropriate.
That's how this challenge came to be.
I made the vest, the shirt, the pants and the bow tie.
I refashioned everything from men's clothing, except the bow tie, because it's just more economical than buying fabric. The vest is from a thick long sleeve shirt, the button up shirt and pants are made from men's sizes down to 10 year old size. These were really fun to make, but still challenging because I hadn't really done anything boy before, and because I didn't have my model to try things on as I sewed. So in the end the vest ended up being a little big and the pants as well, but hey, it worked.

The bow tie, well, they are totally "in" and this one is a real bow tie that actually has to be tied. It, too, was a challenge, but it was necessary to complete the outfit and it was my inspired project from the hair piece I was given in the challenge. Obviously, the color matches the hairpiece, but also the simplicity and elegance of the
bow tie nicely compliments the hair piece. I felt that the print I picked was simplistic (Swiss dots); the bow tie fashion itself made the outfit more elegant; and the bow tie complimented this outfit so well with color and print.
Really, isn't he a sweetheart?!
Watch out girls, in a few years he'll sweep you of your feet!